JAKARTA, INDONESIA - MARI Oceans was invited by the Association for Women in Small Businesses Assistance (ASPPUK) to participate as a resource person in their workshop titled, “Transformation into Responsible and Inclusive Business.” last February 28th, 2024. This workshop was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection, the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, and other associations committed to fostering positive business practices in Indonesia.
MARI was part of the session “Multi-stakeholder approach in promoting inclusive and Responsible Business in Indonesia” and presented its effort in developing business practices, especially in Takalar, Indonesia where MARI operates and where ASPPUK is also involved with their women’s and youth empowerment program (Ujung Bali Village, Takalar). The following Q&A session also allowed MARI to further explain its business model and its role in facilitating inclusive business efforts in the coastal communities of Takalar.
“We are very pleased to be a part of this workshop and meet like-minded people who are moving to accelerate responsible businesses in Indonesia.” shared Ardy Husny, Commercial Director and representative of MARI in the session. “From this opportunity, we learned the need to accelerate our work in improving productivity which will lead to ancillary businesses, like the placement of seedlings on the ropes. These businesses are especially managed by women and we are just expecting this to thrive further in the coastal communities.”
To know more about the work that ASPPUK is involved with, you can visit their official website: https://asppuk.or.id